
Posts Tagged ‘The Feminine Path to Enlightenment’

At the time of our birth we are each held by a great power in Nature. Where were you born? What mountain or ocean held you when came into the world?

The shamans teach us an honoring and acknowledgment of these great places of power is needed to connect more deeply to the source of power that has kept watch over you.

Make an offering to show respect and say thank you. This is how we restore ayni or what shamans call right relationship to the source of power. We offer our prayers. We offer gratitude.

We begin to taste the drop of nectar that is our power. Not in an arrogant way. Not in a superior way that we have come to define and understand power but in a humble way.

We come to taste the power of knowing how our thoughts, our words and our actions are creating the world we live in. We are powerful in ways we never imagined.

This is the new frontier. It is a map of your own wild wilderness.

Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM

Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM

excerpt from forthcoming “The Feminine Path to Enlightenment”

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You create great obstacles and giant roadblocks for yourself, without conscious intent, to make sure you don’t get too far ahead.

What would happen if you got away from the ancestral wounds that hold you back and keep you stuck? You might not be loved anymore. You might lose the approval you seek if you got bigger.

You received love when you played it small, were a good boy or girl and behaved in a certain way. Now you want to go out and live a different way, be something other than what you have been all along.

You want to be bigger.

Well we will put a stop to that. We will make sure you stay right where you are and we will do that, quite effectivley, by creating obstacles. We will create roadblocks so it will be difficult for you to get too far ahead. We will make sure you sabotage yourself so you stay right where you are wrapped safe and secure in your comfort zone.

You really are all things.

You are the Creator.

And you are the Destroyer.

excerpt from forthcoming The Feminine Path to Enlightenment

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We have let the necessities of life and the very basic need for survival shape the nature of power. There is a have and have not consciousness that has segregated humanity in nearly every culture in our world. Those that have the resources are the ones with power. Those without do not.

Money and power.

The two have become equal.

Artist Tommy Simpson

Artist Tommy Simpson

This is true to the extent that those that have the resources can wield their power through fear. If there is fear you will lose your job, fear you will lose your income, fear that there will be no food for the belly of your child, then you are held captive. Your power lies with an authority outside of yourself.

This appears true in the web of humanity but in your divinity, as a creative and omnipotent being, this is not truth.

Our relationship to power is so adulterated that we are blind to our misconceptions. There is nothing in this contaminated equation that those holding power in a corrupted way would like to change.

Of course there is resistance to a threat in power. There is a lack of collective will to make fundamental change. When did we become sheep? How have we, the most powerful species on our benevolent Earth, been corralled and led so far astray from the true nature of our own power? How did our truth become so corrupted?

Global poverty, human torture, tyrannical governments and war ravage our planet. Many people lack the most basic freedoms. The crisis of our human condition can overwhelm us. I am one little person. What difference can I make? What can I possibly do to right the relationship to power on our planet?

The way to cope has been to collapse under the oppressive weight of responsibility. Why should I bother? Hopelessness takes hold. There is nothing I can do that will change anything. Our powerlessness is perpetuated in an epidemic apathy at the root of global suffering.

We hold a position that says nothing I do will really matter or make a difference. How can I possibly help bring equality to the masses, end world hunger or stop the destruction of our planet?

This way of thinking is self-fulfilling. You are correct if that is what you believe but recognize that this way of thinking, this belief system is corrupted. It is not truth.

This ideology has been laid down by false prophets that have held power by driving their own agendas to the fore at the expense of others. This thwarted system must then be manipulated to guard and protect the power that is measured in material goods. They too are in denial of what is the truth of power. The belief that accumulating wealth is the path to freedom and salvation is the lie that lays upon their soul.

excerpt from forthcoming The Feminine Path to Enlightenment






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Sculpture Paige Bradley

Sculpture Paige Bradley

We did not come here to incarnate as humans for easy.
If we are able to stop seeking what is easy;
an easy life,
an easy job,
an easy way out,
our truth can be found.

When did easy become the destination?

excerpt from forthcoming
The Feminine Path to Enlightenment

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Failure is the difference between an expectation and reality. Failure is not who you are. Somehow the difference between these two states, expectation and reality, becomes an identity. We define ourselves by mistakes of the past. We become frozen, afraid to try again for fear of failing. Failure becomes the lens through which we see ourselves.

Artist Aisha North

Artist Aisha North

If we are not a failure then that must make us a success? Neither success nor failure are our states of being. You could say that just by the virtue that you are here you are a success. Just because your soul incarnated into a human form you are a success. What if that was the basis that defined your success as a human being? You were born. You did it. Success. No other measure needed. What if, at the most fundamental aspect, you are a success?

Would that change anything?

Or everything?

excerpt from forthcoming book, The Feminine Path to Enlightenment 












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